Full Moon Equinox Event

Join Martijn as he guides us through a 60 minute meditation, into the most sacred space within the Heart, to have a conversation with your own Soul.

What is it that your Soul wants, needs or desires for you to put your energy into? This Equinox we will be focusing on living in alignment with our Soul.

Streamed Live ONLINE September 23rd @ 5 pm Bali Time (Check your time HERE)

By Donation

Full Moon

Equinox Event

Join Martijn as he guides us through a 60 minute meditation, into the most sacred space within the Heart, to have a conversation with your own Soul.

What is it that your Soul wants, needs or desires for you to put your energy into? This Equinox we will be focusing on living in alignment with our Soul.

Streamed Live ONLINE September 23rd @ 5 pm Bali Time (Check your time HERE)

By Donation

Cleanse Your Energy Body on Many Energetic Levels

This Guided Meditation will focus on aura, body & chakra healing & clearing with the Ascended Masters and Archangels, who form the Lords of Light off the Rainbow Flames.

In this 60 minute session Martijn will be guiding you through cleansing any negative energies from your energy body on the physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, and spiritual energy levels.


Join the Full Moon Equinox Guided Meditation

September 23rd at 5 pm Bali Time

(Check your time HERE)

Cleanse Your Energy Body on Many Energetic Levels

This Guided Meditation will focus on aura, body & chakra healing & clearing with the Ascended Masters and Archangels, who form the Lords of Light off the Rainbow Flames.

In this 60 minute session Martijn will be guiding you through cleansing any negative energies from your energy body on the physical, emotional, mental, etheric, astral, and spiritual energy levels.


Join the Full Moon Equinox Guided Meditation

September 23rd at 5 pm Bali Time

(Check your time HERE)

Register by donation (pay what you want) and we will send you a link before the event. It’s online so access from anywhere!

Center into your heart, and align with your soul, allowing you to become more aware of your souls calling.

Join us live at 5 pm Bali time / 7 pm Sydney / 10 am London (Check your time HERE) on September 23rd or re-watch later.

Allow yourself to enter a space of full relaxation, feeling the medicine that this meditation holds!

Clear intention, connecting to you heart, and good vibes will really help you find connection with yourself and life during the experience.

Experience a cleansing of the aura, chakras and different energy bodies trhough connecting to the energy that is emitted from The Great central Sun of All That Is.

Register by donation (pay what you want) and we will send you a link before the event. It’s online so access from anywhere!

Center into your heart, and align with your soul, allowing you to become more aware of your souls calling.

Join us live at 5 pm Bali time / 7 pm Sydney / 10 am London (Check your time HERE) on September 23rd or re-watch later.

Allow yourself to enter a space of full relaxation, feeling the medicine that this meditation holds!

Clear intention, connecting to you heart, and good vibes will really help you find connection with yourself and life during the experience.

Experience a cleansing of the aura, chakras and different energy bodies trhough connecting to the energy that is emitted from The Great central Sun of All That Is.

This livestreamed Guided Mediation is perfect for you to experience The Pyramids of Chi at home. Transforming and rejuvenating with the incredible power of Heart Activation has never been easier.

Register today and choose your own contribution for this incredible event in celebration of the Equinox!

September 23rd at 5 pm Bali Time

(Check your time HERE)

This livestreamed Guided Mediation is perfect for you to experience The Pyramids of Chi at home. Transforming and rejuvenating with the incredible power of Heart Activation has never been easier.

Register today and choose your own contribution for this incredible event in celebration of the Equinox!

September 23rd at 5 pm Bali Time

(Check your time HERE)

The facilitator of this journey is Martijn, an Emissary of Light, channel for The Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council of Light which is a collective of Light beings, also known as the Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromeda Archangels of Light.

He combines his gifts of energy channeling, with healing & self-mastery tools, AkashicRecords, Human Design, Awakening the illuminated Heart & his own modality of Alchemy & Bodywork.

Where he weaves together all his knowledge & wisdom into one journey assisting humanity into living in the Heart, alignment with your Soul, as the Heart is the seed to the Soul.


What if I Cannot Attend Live?

No problem! You will receive one link that is good for the livestream AND re-watching at any time in the future.

Is this Experience Safe?

Yes it is! In fact, its very soothing for the nervous system and overall health.

What is Choose-Your-Contribution all about?

Have you ever heard of the gift economy? It allows people to choose how much they want to contribute in exchange for events, services, and even physical items. It's a way to build trust and inclusivity by providing accessible for all regardless of their economic situation.


What if I Cannot Attend Live?

No problem! You will receive one link that is good for the livestream AND re-watching at any time in the future.

Is this Cacao Experience Safe?

Yes it is! In fact, its very soothing for the nervous system and overall health.

What is Choose-Your-Contribution all about?

Have you ever heard of the gift economy? It allows people to choose how much they want to contribute in exchange for events, services, and even physical items. It's a way to build trust and inclusivity by providing accessible for all regardless of their economic situation.